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The Issues


Community Resources

For many families, public investments into the community pave the way for people to thrive. This type of programming provides a way to empower families and individuals to attain self-sufficiency with the right to live with dignity.


Millions of Americans are without medical insurance. We must support the passage nationally by Congress of Medicare for All. At the state level, offering a public option through Medicaid to all Arizonans makes sense. The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) is one of the best-run Medicaid programs in the nation. It is imperative that we build on that success by allowing every Arizonan to affordably buy into the program. In addition, the United States continues to be the only developed country that does not guarantee paid family leave to workers. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us this policy is one of the most impactful ways to support our working families.


Most importantly, we must expand access to reproductive healthcare and protect access to abortion. As of this last month, nearly all abortions became illegal in Arizona. This pre-statehood law is a direct divergence from the will of the people as an overwhelming amount of Arizonans support protecting abortion access.


Education must be a priority for Arizona. We can no longer afford to be ranked #49 in education funding per pupil. Currently, Arizona ranks #50 in teacher pay. Our P-20 education deserves quality educators who are supported by their state. Arizona's children deserve quality education regardless of the district or community they are a part of. 

Affordable Housing

The current rising housing costs have left many residents of Mesa in limbo. Residents who once saw a future of owning a house now face the real possibility of relocation. We must work with the state to reinstate community housing, allowing cities to work with local stakeholders to create equitable living opportunities for all residents.


Climate Change

The policies we enact to fight Climate change will define this the survival of generations to come. Arizona’s 20- year drought lacks sustainable policies and plans to ensure responsible water usage. It is necessary to develop solutions that prioritize our community’s health and hold accountable developers and corrupt utilities who negatively impact our shared water supply by putting profits over people. 


Access to clean water is the climate justice fight of our lifetime. Arizona is experiencing a 20-year drought and lacks a sustainable plan for the future of our water. We need solutions now that prioritize the health of our community over the profit motives of developers and corrupt utilities who are depleting and poisoning our shared water supply. Investing in clean energy will not only positively impact our environment, but will also create good-paying clean energy jobs.

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